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Writer's pictureHolly Clayburn

Your Handy Dandy Diaper Bag!

Part 2 in the Handy Dandy series, as promised. Now that we have discovered what mom and dad should pack (everything but the kitchen sink) let's discuss what to bring in the diaper bag! (On second thought... grab the sink.)

Unlike the hospital bag blog, this isn't going to be geared just towards what to bring to the hospital. In reality, what you need to bring to the hospital for baby isn't much. But what you carry around with you daily is enough to justify buying a moving truck...

  • Diapers - Well this seems pretty obvious huh? Just make sure that you pack enough, because babies poop A LOT. If you think you have enough, grab three more.

  • Wipes - Again, pretty standard. What you don't know is that you will use them for EVERYTHING. You'll use them to wipe hands, buggies, kitchen counters, faces, and makeup more than butts. True story. Also a small wipe case! Saves a ton of room versus a big bag, or the big tubs.

  • *Blankets - It does matter if your baby is born in the Summer, Winter, or straight on the surface of the sun (Thats Texas btw), you're going to need blankets. Receiving blankets are so versatile, they can be used to wrap baby, cover a carseat, as a nursing cover, floor mat, keep the rain off of baby, you name it. I always carried at least 3 at all times. If you roll them instead of fold, it saves a lot of room! Its always a good idea to pack one or two heavy blankets as well.

  • *Burp Rags - Life savers! And if you have someone in your life that can make them, I recommend that route! The ones my mom made for me were my favorite! More absorbent than any I bought at the stores, and I tried a lot of brands. Pack two or three.

  • *Binkies - Pacifiers, ninnies, suckers, whatever you want to call them. If you're planning on using them pack 2 extra, babies like to throw. Also those Paci clips are lifesavers!

  • Bottles/Milk - Formula, water and bottles if you are formula feeding. They make convenient to go packs, or already made liquid bottles these days! Small cooler, ice packs and expressed breast milk if you are pumping or bottle feeding breast milk. If you are exclusively breast feeding, then skip this step, make sure you have your boobs and pack extra of the next item!

  • *Nursing pads - If you are breastfeeding then you aren't going to forget these! Especially in the beginning when your milk supply isn't regulated, you are going to leak like the Hoover Dam just busted wide open. I kept a stash in my purse, the diaper bag, my glove box, center console, husbands pocket, and just about anywhere else that would hold them!

  • *Washcloth - If you're a mom of boys then you know why! If you're pregnant with a boy then you'll want to keep a washcloth or two handy to avoid receiving a shower you won't like. A wipe will work also, but my personal preference was a wash cloth.

  • Trash Bags - Several companies make pocket sized diaper trash bags. They come in tiny rolls that just clip onto the handle of your diaper bag and they came straight from heaven. Put dirty diapers in them to avoid a smell, or to keep stored until later if you aren't near a trash can. They are also great for wet/soiled clothes or a wash cloth that just saved your wardrobe.

  • Diaper Essentials - This will vary by person for preference, but these are my suggestions. Baby powder, diaper rash cream, vaseline & gauze if you have a circumcised boy - You'll need them for the first week or so.

  • *Lotion - Always nice to have a soft and sweet smelling babe!

  • *Clothes - Remember how I said that babies poop a lot? Well that means blow outs. I always carried 3-4 extra sets of clothes. While you're at it, pack an extra shirt for you too!

  • *Socks & Mittens - Babies piggies get cold really easily, and they are prone to face scratching. Socks can double as both, but my kiddos always pulled socked off much easier than mittens.

  • Medical - Thermometer, Pain/Fever reducer of your choice, gas drops, teething tablets, baby nail clippers, and syringe or other method of giving medicine.

  • Changing Pad - This was an essential for me. I bought one that folded up small but had pockets to carry diapers and wipes inside of it. It was easier to just grab one thing at a time instead of the 92 things required to change an infant.

  • *Feminine Hygiene Products - I always made sure that I stashed a few extra pads/tampons just in case. Postpartum bleeding can be unpredictable, so having back ups will put you at ease.

  • Toys - Not needed so much when they are newborns, but perfect to start packing around 2-3 months. Anything that lights up, plays music, or is really colorful will usually do a great job of occupying a fussy or handsy baby.

I think that covers just about everything! I hope that you are planning on traveling around in a U-Haul to tote all of baby's things lol. Again, not all of this will be needed in the hospital. I put a * next to the things I suggest packing, but of course you can always add or remove depending on preference. The hospital will have their own brand of diapers/wipes but if you prefer your own then definitely bring those!

Did I miss anything? What all did you pack? Did you bring the kitchen sink or keep it simple? Let me know!

Peace, Love, & Wine

Holly Clayburn

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